this year's team was a bit small. just the andersons and the duncans. at first i was a bit bummed to have a smaller team rather than a larger team than last year, but in the end it was probably a good thing. afterall, i wasn't even sure i'd be able to ride. but {and i'm not going to feel bad about tootin' my own horn here-this is my blog-so if you don't like it, then go away!}
i rock.
here's why:
- i just had a baby via c-section five weeks ago
- i've been suffering from a minor relapse of MS
- haven wasn't the perfect baby she should have been the night before the race. i got maybe two hours of sleep
- i rode my bike forty miles (3:11 riding time) with gigantor nursers (if you know what i mean). speaking of those-a shout out to ginabina who did it in an underwire (packing stinks-you can't remember everything!).
the boys decided to be tough guys and ride the 100-miler. so gina and i had time after we finished to go shower, pick up haven from aunt vick and run her over to gigi and gpa, then back to the finish line to wait for our men. only to find out that they were completely off on their previously guesstimated ETA. so we waited. and waited... (it was more exhausting than the actual ride)...

did i mention stevie's fantastic attire? no? well-here it is. and you should see the burn he got as a result of his showing-off!

boy does he look smokin'!

two tired(?) boys after 100 miles! they finished in about 6 hours of riding time. seriously, i sort of hate them. it was like no big deal for them. for the small part of the ride when all four of us were together, brad was riding with no hands and barely pedaling . he looked so relaxed . like a leisurely ride in the park. meanwhile, gina and i were huffing and pedaling four times as fast.

gina and i are sure proud of our dudes. but more proud of ourselves! we've decided to train for a century ride this fall (yikes!). and as for next year, you can betchyur bottom that team iron myelin will be going strong. we're planning to make it a weekend event with camping and spaghetti and swimming and...the more the merrier...(hint, hint)!
Can't wait until next year. We gotta work on the jerseys...
We kick so much butt it isn't even funny. Next year I'll remember a sports bra! Ha!
Stevie was rockin' that "sling" like rock star.
Way to go Team Iron Myelin! Until next year...
I can't believe your hubby wore that! Congrats! Jake and I rode a tandem 70 miles and I was SO wiped out (and that's on Salem's FLAT topo!)! 40 miles would be a challenge, but sounds like a blast!
ok. first: you are crazy. second: i hate you for looking that good 5 weeks postpartum. and third: i want to come play! if only i could convince my husband to buy me a roadbike... he's all about the mountain bike and i'm like, not so much.
I'm pretty impressed that you did it just with #1 on your list of things against you! I'm one day shy of being a week out from C-section #2 and you are pretty much my hero right now, since I'm feeling like stairs twice a day is a huge accomplishment! The thought of even being bent over on a bike for that long, (let alone trying to make the bike move) just makes me shaky a bit. So toot away on that horn because I'm surely impressed!
OK, so maybe I'm more impressed than I should be because here I am commenting again! But I'm wondering how you did it? Seriously, I mean five weeks? My doctor told me no physical activity for six weeks. When did you start training and how did you start? I'm interested because I'm already way sick of still looking pregnant and am hoping to lose some of this belly *before* it's technically okay for me to work out again. Any tips?
Congrats. I am so proud of you. I know how that much riding feels and I could have never done it. Anyway you guys are awesome.
I'm SO impressed, you are seriously amazing! I hope I'm half as active 5 weeks after having a baby (not to mention the fact that you had a c-section)!
And Steve's outfit kills me!
Woo hoo! Super great job!
I'm talking about the race, not Steve's unitard. Although, on second inspection, it's actually not that bad. Looks like a slight wardrobe malfunction in the mammary area, however.
YAY!! I seriously can't believe you... you DO rock. Way to go Team Iron Myelin. I love the pics and Steve's outfit looks real comfy.
Looks like a fun day...I still can't believe you made it to our bbq after doing that! Love you guys!!!
i wish you would invite the rasband's next year. maybe we could be geared up by then to ride...
you TOTALLY rock! hey, what's your e-mail address? i made my blog private, temporarily. and i want to send you an invite so we can stay connected. my email address is amychoate at send me a note! and i can only hope that i recover as quickly!! i only have 4 weeks to go to the big delivery day!
Is this really Liz? Found your blog through Marty's - cool to catch up with old friends without them knowing...
So you ride! Looks like you're doing well, congrats on the babies-they sure are cute. Our first is due this week!
you made me laugh so hard i almost spit water all over the computer. i hate that you guys live in salt lake! our options thus far... santa barbara (oh please, oh please, oh please), hawaii, seattle, and a few others not worth mentioning :)
I can't beleive you did this right after having haven! I can't even break into a jog I am so out of shape. And you have one confident hubby there :)Hey if you want to design somehting for my site... that would be fantastic! I am so clueless and you have fabulous taste.
Liz, your hair looks so pretty like that. I love it.
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