

i don't know if i said it before, but this place is boring. so i've had to make some new friends. keeping me company (in no particular order) are:

apparently i like to eat when i'm depressed. this is new to me, but i'm okay with that. everything that's happening to me right now is new...like jello-legs and arms, a nearly entirely numb body (except where there are tingles), googly eyes that can't "search" for anything (and combined with jello legs lead me to clip doorways), a brain that can't remember even the simplest of words, the memory of a fish (although apparently that's just a myth), emotions that get the best of me approximately twice a day (i cried watching a commercial for alzheimer medication today and cry at least six times during any given sytycd episode), insomnia that persists despite the above pictured friend, and this depression thing where i feel like everyone's out to get me. wait, i guess that's called paranoia. so if i snap at you or freak out at you (which hopefully i won't do since i am practically quarantined), or if i forgot your birthday (i think this counts for all my may birthdays except haven's) just know i don't mean it. i'm in a serious funk. and i have roughly one week to get out of it. wish me luck...

p.s. thanks for all the nice comments, emails and calls to check up on me. apparently i have people-type friends too! i really appreciate all those offers for kid-watching and lasagna-delivering. but don't think you're in the clear just because mommy came to the rescue- i'm coming back and just might take you up on the offers! just please don't feed me meat.


J-ROK said...

ERG! Just one more reason why I wish I was already moved back to PA... I could entertain you by trying my own sytycd moves!

Mel said...

Hey Lizzard
Miss you. I hope you're feeling even a little better... I've been thinking about you and praying for you. I don't know if this would help you any, but 5-HTP helps me fall asleep. You can get it at GNC or maybe even wal mart in the vitamin section. love

amy said...

Hey! Where do you get those biscoff cookies? I always eat them on plane rides and I LOVE them, but I've never seen them in any store. Am I dumb? Are they in Utah or is it an East Coast food? (Isn't it interesting how the East and West are like different countries, things are so different? Including products for sale in stores?) Anyway. I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there. ANd let me know where to make some biscoff friends.

Harris Family said...

Let me know when you are back-- Im taking your kids!!

Awesome with Nash and the potty. When you first see them use it regularly its almost better than the stuff mommy and daddy do.

Hope you feel better soon!!

mostly Stacy said...

I totally can't empathize. I appreciate you sharing your struggle. I am sunddenly very aware of my own health and a little more thankful.I hope you can start feeling better, and and in the meantime I bet your mom is loving gatting to your kiddos better

bulkleybunch said...

so sorry! :( i feel so sucky that i haven't been there to help you out. just get preggers and solve the nightmare for at least a little bit. and maybe nashy boy and i can reconcile and he can chill over at the bulkley abode for a while. he can even bring havey:) love you.

Melanie said...

I totally cried watching SYTYCD when that girl's grandfather was all choked up about how much he was proud of her, so you're in good company.

Please take me up on the food offer! Except now that I know it's no meat, I'll have to think of something besides enchiladas. Or just tweak them.

Emilie May said...
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Emilie May said...

i wrote something about making out on your couch with blake after the kids go to bed, thought it was inappropriate, deleted the post, and am writing about it anyway. so i'm down to babysit like always... you know that. i'll just bring blake. and make out on your couch. yeah, that was it.

lisset said...

that freaking ice cream is the bomb. i am currently shoveling the green tea variety. and seriously- did you give me your exacerbation over the phone? this is too wierd.

Laurie said...

I'm so sorry Liz - If there's anything I can do for you from pittsburgh, please don't hesitate.

Tuttles said...

Liz, I'm so sorry you're feeling crappy! Let me know if there's anything you need!

Alifinale said...

Ben and Jerry's and Haagan Daas are the best kind of friends. And SYTYCD is back and I LOVE it! I am so with you on the crying like 6 times an episode (and lots of other times, too bad I don't have as good of an excuse - I am just an emotional freak). Well, I can't wait to see and play and help you soon after you get back!

gina bina said...

For about 5 minutes I've been trying to think of something helpful to say like "hang in there trooper!" or "this too shall pass" but really, when you're in a funk...none of those things really help. But I can recognize that it does suck to be in said funk and I hope that you are getting the rest (or whatever it is) that you need.

PS, after months of procrastinating I finally mailed out my fund raising email! I'm totally going for the 100 this year.

Natlee Lloyd said...

Lizzy! I wish you a peaceful night sleep, strong arms and legs, smooth eyes, and the memory of a steal trap:) You are in my prayers. Get better!

Melissa said...

Liz, I'm so sorry and I can so relate. I feel terrible for you, having to be back there, ugh! I've got a plan, stuff the lasagnas & stuff. Why don't you come up here and stay with me? We have a spare bedroom, spare port-a-crib and we can set up a little mattress beside you for Nash or he could sleep with my kids. I'm sure you & the kids would have a little more fun. Seriously, what is there to do in PA? I mean it, I'd love for you guys to come up here so I can help out with everything. Stevie can have conjugal visits too!!! My kids would have a blast with yours.

Lauren said...

I am going to the store to pick up Five...never heard of it but sounds addictive. And will go perfectly with SYTYCD.

I am hoping you are well - keep us updated okay?