
naughty or nice?

i've been a 'naughty' blogger. i just looked over my blog and realized my posting rate is in severe decline. i know why, and i've drafted several posts in past weeks to explain myself, but it feels like pity posting and there's nothing i hate more. so, with no emotion at all i will quickly fill you in on what has been occupying my time and energy.

in early october, i reported to my new job (remember the work-from-home graphic design position) and the guys who hired me acted as if they'd never given me a job-meanwhile i'd been replaced in the call center. so atlas "let me go." they haven't paid me since august and we've had to hire an attorney to try to recover unpaid wages, which includes a pretty hefty bounced check for my summer bonus, and hopefully a little more to cover damages-i'm having the worst relapse of MS that i've ever had. that combined with the fatigue of pregnancy and trying to raise a one-year-old is making the job hunt more than challenging.

i've been bitter and emotional and just barely shy of insane for the past six weeks. thanksgiving was rough. anderson family thanksgiving involves a tradition of going around the table and each person listing three things they are thankful for. i was last and by the time everyone else said they were thankful for their health, their jobs, and the family i was in shambles and had to pass on my turn. i don't have good health, i don't have a job, and i can't be with my side of the family this christmas.

but now that thanksgiving is over and done with and christmas is in the air, i'm feeling a new hope and vigor. plus i'm entering the second trimester which is the best feeling one! so i'm here to declare: i will be a 'nice' blogger all season. and a nice person too!

here's a start: since i didn't post about my thankfulness at thanksgiving, i will post about it now. five things....drum roll....

1. brad & gina. steve went to high school with these guys and i've finally had the chance to really get to know them since we've moved to salt lake. they are nearly always game to hang out and are so thoughtful-always dropping by treats. it's hard to find married couples that we love, and after losing ance & lali to the heart of texas, i was feeling like we'd never find another one again.

2. laura & diane. nothing makes me happier than to see these two. i don't think anyone knows or understands me better than they do, and it makes me comfortable. plus, i have to admit that i am dang funny when they're around. they just bring me to life!

3. baby graham. i haven't even met him yet but something about his new little life just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. plus i love getting lali's random texts about being a new mom.

4. all things christmas- smells, sights, sounds, tastes-but namely the smells. i'm in love with my christmas spice wallflowers and cinnamon diffusers. they warm up the whole house. (come on, i had to have one "item" and at least it wasn't tv!)

5. and of course, family. namely stevie and nash. stevie has been so patient with me lately (there have only been a few minor blow-ups where i was called lazy or other such names). he even carried me to bed last night despite his hurt shoulder. and nash is just so cute i can't stand it. his favorite thing right now is the song "sleigh ride." he laughs his head off when he hears it. i love that little things i never would have guessed can thrill him the way they do.


Alifinale said...

I know you didn't want a pity party but it feels good to vent sometimes so you shouldn't be afraid to let it out. I am so sorry that the world seems to be coming down on you these last few weeks but I am glad you have a lot of good things as well to be thankful for!

Lance said...

wow. i love you so much! (tears...) i miss you and wish i was there or you here more than ever. amen to the chr. spice w-flowers-makes me warm just thinking about them. yum. we need to talk! i want to write more but your #3 won't stop spitting up (so i am one-handin the typing-very annoying!)! even the spitting up is cute-sent you some pics-not of the spittin up...of other cute expressions. i can't wait for his second friend to come-i hope he can hold his own around two andersons! ha. love you! -al

Melanie said...

I'm so sorry! That stinks, and couple that with the first year of law school -- even just as a spouse it can be rough! I had no idea you had MS! Do you mean MS, MS? Well, knowing that just makes you all the more amazing, and I totally understand the need to just vent. Here's to hoping the Christmas season treats you much better than the last few months!

Laura Cañate said...

I am thankful for you too! You really are dang funny when we are around...which helps cause I seem to be even weirder when you are around! Hard to believe that I am sure! Thanks for being my friend! Don't plan to drop off! Let's bake cookies!

gina bina said...

Oh Liz. Don't make my cry now. You and Stevie and Nash are awesome and we have enjoyed hanging out with you more than you know. It's been SO nice to have friends "in the neighborhood" that we can do fun stuff with like play domino's and eat pizza. PLUS, you are the cutest ever. Why haven't we been friends before this? I blame Steve and Brad.

Diane Cañate said...

I love you Lizzy! I'm funny around you too! I love the orange truffle candle! It's so yummy!

{lizzythebotanist} said...

buddens-yes, yes i have MS as in MS,MS. if the MS you are referring to is multiple sclerosis! i was diagnosed just about two years ago. it really hasn't been too bothersome up until now-and i'm hoping the pregnancy hormones will kick in here any day now and rid me of the symptoms. sorry to drop a bomb! i forget my bloggy friends don't know everything about me! yet...

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

Liz! Does it make you feel any better that I sweat your blog? I really think you have the creative bone in your skinny little body! Mine seems to either be missing or severly sprained. =) Diane always gives me the updates on you all - she loves and appreicates you so, and I love and appreciate her so, therefore I love and appreciate you so. Hang in there - life seems to go balistic every once in a while but it eventually simmers down. And pity blog all you need! =) Smile!

Linds Forrest said...

I am sorry you're going through a bit of a rough patch right now. I am glad to see you are fighting through everything and getting what you deserve from all aspects of your life! You sound like a devoted Mom and loving wife, not to mention an awesome friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers and forget you have to take down the decorations. Just remember that you get to have them for over a month. I mean, who takes down decorations until after New YEars?! Hang in there!

bulkleybunch said...

okay, i suck. sorry i haven't been more sensitive to your crappy situation. i worship you and just wish i could do something to make things easier for you. SORRY. i love you.