
and we're off...

off to lake powell for a lovely sun-filled, baby-free weekend. too bad it's not atlas-free as well, but i'm thinking i'm pretty lucky as it is. see you monday!


Diane CaƱate said...

Weekend? Are you kidding...it's Wednesday

{lizzythebotanist} said...

you're right, diane. i was just trying to be kind and not rub it in too much! and i'm actually off.....wait for it.....NOW! peace!

Jewels said...

DUDE! Have so much fun! I know you are going to fall in love with Powell. And if you don't...well, I guess we can't be friends. Have so much fun, get a tan line for me, enjoy the romantic evenings with your husband and I want to hear all about it when you get back!

Two Wheeler said...

You guys picked a great time to go, have fun!