neato. a little case for sending cupcakes to school (that's a few years off in my world). little protrusions hold the cake in place within the container keeping it from moving when the contrainer is closed. and only $2.99 each.
i'm liz and i love to create. i also really love to take pictures. steve is my husband who has some mean dance moves. you can call him stevie bevie, esquire. nash is our boy. he's pretty darn cool. and haven is our big-cheeked girl who's as sweet & crazy as they come. we stay in our pajamas too late, eat cookiesoatmeal and spinach smoothies for breakfast, and have daily dance-offs with taylor dayne. let's just say that sweet moves run in the family.
HEY!!!! Lets get together.... When does steve start school?
This little store I work at sells those pick your nose cups. I think of you every time I see them. you always find the neatest stuff
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