
i haven't posted much about NASH {now 7 months} recently, which is a shame because we've hit some major milestones:

last week he cut his first tooth

he sits up all by his little self

he loves to be startled and laughs his head off

and finally...drum roll, please...today he crawled!

he's also developed a little case of narcissism....my dad discovered this while babysitting around the time of andy & nay nay's wedding. he had the picture of me and nash (the color version of the one to the right ---->) on his desktop. nash couldn't get over himself. i tried to capture it here, but low-budget video cameras just don't quite do anything justice.


Diane CaƱate said...

I saw his great tricks first hand today and I'm so excited he's a real boy! I can't believe that I love her more everyday!

{lizzythebotanist} said...

please tell me you did not just say "her," unless, of course, you were referring to mwah.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big he is already! What a cutie!

naomi said...

if i looked like nash, i'd be a little self centered too haha

Melanie said...

he is so darling, as always. congrats on the milestones! i especially love the part about laughing! there is nothing cuter than babies laughing their heads off. and i'm glad you posted about nash. all my posts have been about gretta lately and i've been feeling like i need to add something more exciting, but she's the easiest thing for me to post about.

Marc said...

Hmmm... your video won't stop "loading"

Minnow said...

hmmm....maybe it's cause you don't have a mac. with macs everything "just works"....

Anonymous said...

Hi -- just wanted to say that I have a Mac and the video wouldn't stop loading for me either.